We are a Movement of teachers,
students, parents and community leaders
exploring and breaking new frontiers
in Education today.
A moonshot classroom is a fundamental shift to give students more autonomy and agency in the classroom and entrusts them with greater ownership of their learning outcomes. While teachers still play an integral role, their core purpose has evolved from ‘sage on the stage’ to ‘master coach’ of each student's development.
Our Values.
The foundation of a moonshot classroom is a set of collective values cultivated by teachers and students alike. We believe in a classroom culture of Trust, Respect, Independence, Collaboration and Kindness.

"We didn’t just arrive. We labored through years of trying."

Educators face a directive today of preparing students for a future of work that is rapidly changing. We ought to move away from simply teaching content to guiding students on how to build skills and apply their knowledge in meaningful ways.
Student Agency
Students should be the drivers of their own education. The role of the teacher is guiding, curating, and supporting.
Real World Work
Students must produce learning projects with real world applications and an authentic audience.
Students must work to meet expectations and learning standards, as opposed to earning grades. Learning for improvement and growth not peer competition and points.
LeveragING Technology
To support flexibility with learning and time in the classroom. Using blended learning is key: the best of both face-to-face and online.
Students must learn to embrace failure, rigor, dedication, and passion in work and learning. Educators must model this.

Esther Wojcicki, a trailblazer in her own right, first went one-on-one with Macintosh computers in 1985 through a grant from the State of California. Now, her journalism program at Palo Alto High School is regarded as the best in the United States and has more than 600 students. Many former students from her program have gone on to have an outsized impact on the world including Gady Epstein of the Economist, Noah Sneider of the New York Times, actor James Franco, and Tod Scacerdoti of Yahoo, to name a few.

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Checks to:
Global Moonshots in Education, PO Box 441, Palo Alto, CA 94302
Contact Chief Operating Officer Chris Buja, at chris@globalmoonshots.org
Employer Matching Gift Program:
Please submit a copy of your donation receipt for a matching gift by your employer.
Global Moonshots in Education, Inc. (GME) is a 501 (c)(3) public charity registered in the United States, EIN# 83-2466931. Contributions will be tax-deductible to the fullest extent of the law. GME will provide a formal acknowledgement letter containing tax-deduction language for your records.

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“We choose to go to the moon in this decade and do the other things, not because they are easy, but because they are hard.”
John F. Kennedy